Search Files
If you have multi-format filenames on the data source directory, and you want to dynamic getting max datetime on these filenames to your function, you can use a formatter group.
Scenario 01: search with naming and datetime
On the source directory that you want to get the latest file from a business date in the filename (It so easy if you want to get the latest modified date) include other files that not has format name relate with your requirement.
|--- googleMap_20230101.json
|--- googleMap_20230103.json
|--- googleMap_20230103_bk.json
|--- googleMap_with_usage_20230105.json
|--- googleDrive_with_usage_20230105.json
from fmtutil import (
make_group, Naming, Datetime, FormatterGroup, FormatterGroupType, FormatterArgumentError
name: Naming = Naming.parse('Google Map', fmt='%t')
fmt_group: FormatterGroupType = make_group({
"naming": name.to_const(),
"timestamp": Datetime,
rs: list[FormatterGroup] = []
for file in (
fmt_group.parse(file, fmt=r'{naming:c}_{timestamp:%Y%m%d}\.json')
except FormatterArgumentError:
The above Example will convert the name
, Naming instance, to Constant
instance before passing to the Formatter Group because it does not want
to dynamic parsing this format when find any matching filenames at destination